
The New 墨西哥 Legislative 彩票奖学金 may pay tuition (up to an undergraduate 学位)的学生谁符合以下列出的资格标准. 学生是谁 有资格获得新墨西哥州立法彩票奖学金,也有资格获得新墨西哥州奖学金 机会奖学金,支付学费.

Student must have completed high school at a public or accredited private New 墨西哥 高中毕业于公立或认可的私立新墨西哥高中 或获得高中同等学历的证书,同时保持在纽约州居住 墨西哥.
Student must enroll at a public post-secondary 教育机构 在新墨西哥州 毕业或取得同等学历证书后16个月内.
Student must enroll in and earn 15 credit hours per semester at a four-year New 墨西哥 公立大学.
Student must enroll in and earn 12 credit hours per semester at a two- year New 墨西哥 公立社区学院.
学生必须保持2分.每学期累积平均绩点(GPA)达到5分或以上 的招生.
Students with disabilities may qualify for reduced credit hour requirements and additional 奖学金学期数.
A flat award based on the type of institution the student attends (Research; Comprehensive; 或社区学院). NMHED将在即将到来的奖项中通知各院校 6月1日截止.

Student’s first semester of full-time enrollment within 16 months of graduating high 学校是NM彩票奖学金的合格学期. 在世界十大博彩公司网站,学生必须这样做 完成至少12个学时,成绩至少为2.平均成绩5分 NM Lottery and NM Opportunity scholarships beginning their second semester 的招生. 学生在入学的第一学期可能会收到其他国家的资助,比如 Honors/Bridge scholarship which will pay tuition and fees for the qualifying semester. The initial scholarship shall begin with the second semester 的招生 at a public 高等教育机构. 在此之后,奖学金将在一年之内续签 以学期为基础,以保持资格为前提. 学生必须保持连续 每年秋季和春季学期入学以保持奖学金资格. The scholarship may be renewed at a four-year institution until the award recipient has received seven (7) semesters of scholarship awards or until the student graduates 学士学位,谁先到谁先到. 就读社区大学的学生 有资格获得三(3)个学期的奖学金. 学生应该联系 their public post-secondary 教育机构’s financial aid advisor for eligibility verification if they have met the first semester eligibility requirements listed above.

Student shall contact their public post-secondary 教育机构’s financial 援助顾问资格验证(无需申请). 世界十大博彩公司网站将进行审查 eligibility at the end of the student’s qualifying semester and if eligible, the scholarship 会提供给下一个主修学期吗. 除学生外,不需要申请 如有任何问题,欢迎与世界十大博彩公司网站财务援助办公室联系 可能会有.

Student shall contact their public post-secondary 教育机构 for eligibility 期. 

Legislative 彩票奖学金 eligibility is determined by the public post-secondary 教育机构. 详情请与你的教育机构联络.

我的高中GPA会影响我获得彩票奖学金的资格吗? 不,奖学金的资格取决于大学的GPA.

彩票奖学金是否涵盖全部学费? 奖学金涵盖的学费数额因院校而异. 请 联系你计划就读的院校,了解学费的数额 这个奖学金会支付吗.

Am I eligible to apply for other types of financial aid if I receive the 彩票奖学金? 是的,你可能有资格申请其他经济援助项目. 财政援助部 encourages all students to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 在http://fafsa.政府 /

彩票奖学金是否包括其他费用,如学费,书本费或其他费用 食宿? 不,彩票奖学金只适用于学费.

How soon must a student enroll after completing high school to establish eligibility 申请立法彩票奖学金? To establish eligibility for the scholarship students must enter college within sixteen months after graduating from high school or completing a high school equivalency credential 并在世界十大博彩公司网站注册12个学分(全日制).

以下是对开始在军队服役的学生的规定 高中毕业? 高中毕业后四个月内参军的学生可以 在完成光荣服役的16个月内确立资格 医疗放电.

Can the scholarship be transferred to an out of state institution or private institution 在新墨西哥州? No, the scholarship may only be received at a public post-secondary 教育机构 新墨西哥州境内.

如果学生在高中毕业后进入不合格的机构,将会 他们将丧失参加这个项目的资格? 是的, to establish eligibility 申请立法彩票奖学金 first attendance 必须在符合资格的新墨西哥州公立高等教育机构学习. 

请联系新墨西哥州高等教育部财政援助处 at 1-800-279-9777 or the Office of 金融援助 at 世界十大博彩公司网站 575-392-5172 or financialaid@comprarargan.com.

新墨西哥州议会 点击这里!

Students who do not qualify 申请立法彩票奖学金 may still qualify 申请新墨西哥机会奖学金,该奖学金可能包括学费和其他费用 an undergraduate 学位)的学生谁符合以下列出的资格标准.


· 学生必须年满18岁;

· Continuing students must be meeting financial aid satisfactory academic progress eligibility; 

· 学生必须是新墨西哥州居民(不一定是美国公民).S. 公民);

· 学生必须注册2年(或更少)的课程-这包括学分 certificates of 2 years or less that is in high demand as determined by the NM workforce 解决方案;

· Enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours but not more than 18, or eligible for 如果是新生或在读学生,可获得彩票奖学金. 高中应届毕业生 必须全日制注册. 符合资格要求的学生可以获得 修读3学时但不超过9学时的,获暑期奖学金;

· 保持2.5绩点;

· 在与其他国家援助相结合时,金额可等于学杂费 awarded; but cannot exceed tuition and fees.

· 奖学金不能用来代替其他形式的州或学费/费用的具体规定 私人援助; 

· 学生不能获得学士学位; 

· Eligibility does not extend beyond 90 attempted credit hours at a two-year institution if seeking an Associate's Degree or 160 at a four-year institution if seeking a Bachelor's 学位. 学生可以获得一个以上证书课程的奖学金;

· 在毕业学期注册的学生可以注册少于6个学分 并保持资格;

· 残疾学生可能有资格获得较少的学分,由凯利确定 Rueda,招生主任/辅导员;

· 不符合资格要求的学生,如果有特殊情况,可以上诉 mitigating circumstances that have affected their eligibility; and

· 鼓励学生提交FAFSA www.studentaid.政府. 

The scholarship is renewed on a 以学期为基础,以保持资格为前提. 

Student shall contact their public post-secondary 教育机构’s financial 援助顾问资格验证(无需申请). 金融办公室 Aid will review eligibility at the end of each semester to determine new and continued 下学期入学资格. 欢迎学生与财务办公室联系 请致电575-392-5172或 financialaid@comprarargan.com 对他们的资格有任何疑问.

I heard I may qualify to attend college tuition free, but I don’t know w在这里 to start. 我应该先做什么?
With the New 墨西哥 Opportunity and 彩票奖学金s, t在这里 are options for New 墨西哥各年龄段居民追求大学和职业培训免学费. 后 reviewing the eligibility criteria, your first step is to apply to a New 墨西哥 public college and university and enroll in at least six credit hours toward a credit-bearing 职业培训证书,大专或本科学历. 你也应该 尽快完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) to see if you are eligible to receive federal grants that can help with other college 费用:费用,如书籍、材料、住房和交通. 

如果你是新墨西哥州的正式居民 & 计划注册至少6个学分 hours at a public college or university in NM toward a training certificate, associate 学位或学士学位,你可能符合资格. 

机会奖学金 can be used to cover up to 100% of tuition and course-specific 任何新墨西哥州公立学院或大学的学费.

我是一名彩票奖学金学生,从第一学期开始. 我能得到这个机会吗 奖学金,同时建立彩票资格?
Students establishing eligibility f或彩票奖学金 可能会有 their tuition covered by Bridge Scholarships provided by their school during their qualifying semester. 如果桥梁奖学金不能支付全部学费,机会 奖学金可用于弥补剩余的学费缺口. 机会奖学金 can also be used to cover required fees for students receiving the 彩票奖学金.

如果我获得了机会奖学金,我还应该填写我的FAFSA吗 彩票奖学金?
是的! 如果你有资格获得联邦资助,比如佩尔助学金,你可以写这个 支付其他大学费用的钱,比如书本费、住宿费、餐费、交通费、 等. 你可以填写FAFSA www.studentaid.政府.

Contact your school about their alternative financial aid application to access other 你也可能有资格获得奖学金. 

Which colleges and universities can I apply to and receive the 奖学金的机会 或彩票奖学金?
共有29所两年制和四年制大学参与了该项目.  你 可以通过点击查看完整的列表吗 在这里.

我开始上大学,但没有完成学业. 我可以使用机会奖学金去吗 回去完成我的学位?
是的! 如果你的成绩单上的学分少于90小时 学位或少于160的学士学位,你可能符合资格.

我曾经获得过彩票奖学金,但后来丢了. 我有资格申请吗 奖学金的机会?
如果你还没有完成你的学位,你可能有资格,如果你注册在 至少6学时,并保持累计2学分.5 GPA. 在大多数情况下, you will need to wait two years after your last semester receiving the 彩票奖学金 才有资格获得机会奖学金.

请联系新墨西哥州高等教育部财政援助处 at 1-800-279-9777 or call the Office of 金融援助 at 世界十大博彩公司网站 575-392-5172 or financialaid@comprarargan.com.
